IEEE 10th World Forum on Internet of Things
10–13 November 2024 // Ottawa, Canada

Patrons / Exhibitors

Ottawa Canada is host to the 2024 IEEE WF-IoT! This forum is a premier conference for the exchange of ideas, technologies, and experiences related to the Internet of Things (IoT). It aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world to discuss the latest advancements, successes and challenges in IoT technologies and its application.

This year, the theme of the World Forum is “Unleashing the Power of IoT with AI”. We aim to recognize the increased importance that AI has in our daily activities and to signal the importance it could play in almost all sectors of the world economy. The World Forum is all about the nurture and promotion of IoT to benefit society and humanity through the responsible and ethical adoption of IoT technologies, applications, and solutions.


This edition will spotlight presentations and panels exploring the convergence of IoT with AI, demonstrating their significance across various domains and applications. The Program consists of speeches and presentations from the foremost technologists and contains strong involvement from the public sector and industry aimed at deepening the understanding, the necessary dialog, and actions needed to accelerate the adoption and deployment of IoT.

The event will include:

  • Technical Paper & Special Sessions
  • Keynote and Plenary Sessions
  • Workshops
  • Industry Forums
  • Tutorials on Research and Industrial Hot Topics
  • Women in Engineering (WIE) Forum
  • Young and Professionals (YP) Forum
  • Masters/PhD Forum and Student Paper Contest (MP)
  • Entrepreneurial Forum

Be part of the discussion as a sponsor and/or an exhibitor!

The sponsorship and exhibit program allows you to showcase the thought leadership that distinguishes your organisation in a setting visible to potential customers and possible partners while being exposed to the larger ecosystem vital to IoT.

Brought to you by the sponsors of the IEEE IoT Technical Community


Let’s showcase the value proposition and benefits of sponsoring this international event:

Prominent Brand Exposure: Gain significant visibility and brand exposure among a global audience of researchers, engineers, and industry professionals in the IoT domain.

Access to Targeted Audience: Connect directly with decision-makers, innovators, and influencers in the IoT community.

Exclusive Networking Opportunities: Access exclusive networking events, receptions, and tailored sessions can help build valuable relationships with key stakeholders, including government officials, industry leaders, and academic experts, fostering new business opportunities and partnerships.

Thought Leadership and Recognition: Position your firm as a thought leader and industry expert in the IoT space. Showcase your innovative projects, research initiatives, and capabilities through speaking opportunities, panel discussions, and technical sessions, gaining recognition and credibility among peers and prospects.

Enhanced Market Presence: Elevate your firm's market presence and competitiveness by aligning with a prestigious international conference like WF-IoT 2024. Demonstrate your commitment to advancing technological innovation and driving digital transformation in Canada and beyond.

Customized Marketing and Branding Opportunities: Benefit from customized marketing and branding opportunities tailored to your firm's objectives and preferences. Enhance your visibility through logo placement, promotional materials, sponsored sessions, and targeted digital campaigns, maximizing your impact and ROI.

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: Showcase your firm's career opportunities, internship programs, and professional development initiatives to a diverse pool of talented individuals, including students, researchers, and early-career professionals.

Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility: Demonstrate your firm's commitment to corporate social responsibility and community engagement by supporting a leading international conference focused on advancing technology for social good. Contribute to initiatives promoting sustainability, diversity, and inclusion in the engineering industry, making a positive impact on society.

Sponsoring and Exhibiting at WF-IoT 2024 provides unparalleled exposure and access to a global audience of key decision-makers, researchers, and industry professionals at the forefront of IoT and AI innovation. Showcase your cuttingedge products, solutions, and technologies to a targeted audience eager to explore the latest advancements in the field.  Benefit from direct engagement with potential clients, partners, and collaborators, fostering valuable connections and business opportunities.

Gain invaluable market insights, feedback, and validation from industry experts and peers, helping to refine your offerings and stay ahead of the competition. Elevate your brand presence, credibility, and thought leadership in the rapidly evolving IoT and AI ecosystem by participating in this premier international event.



The exhibit-only option is great for those companies that have a new IoT product/service to promote. As an exhibitor, your company logo will be prominently included on the conference website and the conference app. The pricing for the “Exhibit Only” option is as follows:

Please visit website for more detailed information about the event.

For more information please contact Alain Cousineau who will be happy to assist you if you have additional questions: or 514-463-7377. Be part of the discussion as a sponsor and/or exhibitor!!!



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